Saturday, September 29, 2007


I had the good fortune to sign THE MISSING at Neiba (New England Indy Booksellers Assoc.) in Providence yesterday. Three cheers for the Acela, which got me there in three hours and on time. More cheers to HarperCollins, who made me feel like I should be wearing a tiara. Signing went well, and it was a treat to meet Joe Hill. An even bigger surprise was running into Jennifer Finney Bolyan, one of the stars of the convention, whose new book I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU is due out this winter. I haven't see her for more than ten years, back when she went by Jim Bolyan, and though her appearance is different, what was most remarkable was how unchanged as a person she was. Heartening, too. Like a good teacher, she even walked me got me on my train home, or I might have missed it!

And now, to Trek Out, I'm reminded of the Next Generation's episode in which Beverly's love is reincarnated as a woman, so of course they break up, showing the wasteful limitations of human love.

Books I nabbed and Neiba:

I'm Looking Through you: Growing up Haunted, a Memoir

The Reserve by Russell Banks

A Pale Horse by Charles Todd

The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Jin Chang (I'm officially ridiculous)

The Best American Science and Nature Writing ed. Richard Preston

The Best American Short Stories ed. Stephen King